The Best Investment In the World

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The Best Investment In the World

  • Posted by: Joseph Deitch
  • Category: Uncategorized
All the money in the world can't beat this investment

Nothing else comes close.

Being in the investment industry, people have always asked me for tips, advice, anything that would give them an edge and help them to make more money. And I can say with certainty that my answer has consistently been the same…“Invest in yourself.” Nothing else comes close to offering a better return!

You are the engine that drives the bus, carries the weight, makes the decisions, lets in the light and hopefully the love as well. You’re pretty much at the core of all and everything in your universe. So it stands to reason that the more knowledgeable and experienced you are, the better your life will be.

But what does “invest in yourself” actually mean? Is it getting a college degree, then another and another? Reading books? Doing pushups? What?

In the research and writing of Elevate, I came to appreciate that deep learning, and the growth that comes with it, is the result of two things: Awareness and Action—knowing and doing. But neither is as simple as it may sound.

Granted going to school, or back to school, is a powerful pathway, but it’s just a door to learning. To be more aware and to truly “know” more requires that we open our heads and our hearts. The trick is to see what we can’t yet see, and that requires a conscious effort to expand and understand. We must sense and confront our blockages and biases if we are to open and grow. Increased awareness is proactive, and it can be exercised every day in every way. It’s an investment that pays enormous dividends.

However, to truly be more, to rise above in profound and meaningful ways, we must also “do” – we must experience. That’s when we know on a deeper level. That’s when something becomes integrated into our being. Albert Einstein observed that “the only source of knowledge is experience,” but that experience must be accompanied by awareness.

Elevate was written with the sole intent of helping people to expedite this journey (and 100% of profits go to philanthropy). We are the beneficiaries of countless generations who have traveled this path and passed on their wisdom…just as we try to do with our children. My challenge has been to package and articulate this wisdom to serve as a guide and a reference manual.

If you wish to look at a few relevant chapters on the website, check out the free downloads of Insight 1: Our Perspective Is De Facto Limited and Distorted, as well as Skill 1: Ask… and Receive, and see if they resonate for you. Or, if you just want to give yourself a gift (or someone else during this graduation and Mothers/Father’s Day season), you can get immediate gratification from Amazon or wherever books are sold ☺

Happy Investing!


Author: Joseph Deitch
Joseph Deitch is the author of Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life, founder of The Elevate Prize, and Chairman of Commonwealth Financial Network.