It’s Self Care Week: 5 Ways to Make a Better You

  • Posted by: Joseph Deitch
  • Category: Uncategorized

“Love yourself and everything else falls into line.” – Lucille Ball

Happy National Self Care Week! This event was designed to create a focus on “embedding support for self care across communities, families and generations.” (Apparently, it was started in the U.K., but seems like a pretty great thing to import from across the pond.)

Self care is, at its core, about something more fundamental: self love. Many of us find it simple to love others but loving ourselves doesn’t come as easy. Might I suggest a change in perspective? Ask yourself what your parents would do for you or what you would do for your children. Kind and nurturing ideas come quickly, right? Now turn that love on yourself and, as the legendary Lucille Ball notes above, everything will fall into place.

It’s no secret that we need to take care of ourselves in order to truly thrive, which makes it all the more fascinating that we often don’t do it. Too often, we weigh ourselves down by saying we have to do this-or-that… why not just engage in an experiment instead? Take the tips below, think them over, and embark on some self-care experiments – just for a week or two. See how you feel. If it doesn’t work, turn any frustration into fascination, and ask yourself why.

Without further ado, here are five tips I’ve found especially helpful in creating – and sticking to – my own self-care regimen:

Invest in yourself: Nothing yields greater returns than investing in yourself (And I should know, I’ve spent 40 years in the financial industry). Devote time, money, and attention to the person that you want to become — whether by taking classes, finding a coach, seeking out a guru or anything else that makes sense for you. Choose something today that will make you a better person tomorrow. Believe in you. Bet on you.

Create a daily “For-You” List: Each day spend a little time doing activities that enhance your mental and physical health. It could be a 30-minute workout, 20 minutes of yoga, 10 minutes of meditation, or even just a quick five-minute call with a friend you haven’t talked to in a while.  We all have to-do lists… consider this a “for-you” list. Recharge yourself. The more you do it, the more it will become a habit.

Make every day Thanksgiving: This is my favorite holiday, and my question always is – Why limit it to once a year? Infuse all your days with gratitude. One of the most life-changing practices I’ve ever employed is deceptively simple: Writing down a few things you are grateful for every morning. It’s quick, fun and can result in a powerful shift in attitude. It was truly transformative for me.

Consider an “I Can Do It-a-thon”: Take something you’d like to improve upon – push-ups, for example – and commit to making 1% improvements every week. These incremental upticks not only add up, they compound… soon, you’re doing more than you thought possible and you’re obliterating self-limiting beliefs.

Love and appreciate yourself: As I mentioned above, we too often forget to love ourselves. Be gentle with yourself; you’re doing the best you can. And if you’re not, give yourself a helpful nudge to become the best version of yourself. In the end, the real game isn’t “out there”… it’s in our own heads. Become your own biggest fan!



Author: Joseph Deitch
Joseph Deitch is the author of Elevate: An Essential Guide to Life, founder of The Elevate Prize, and Chairman of Commonwealth Financial Network.